Tak už to máme čierne na bielom – referendová otázka R. Fica je preverená Ústavným súdom SR. Národ by si mohol myslieť, že R. Fico je hlupák, keď ako JUDr. a CSc. nevie posúdiť správnosť formulácie svojich referendových otázok. S komentármi sa samozrejme hneď roztrhlo vrece.

Podľa nášho názoru  však nič nie je náhoda a R. Fico so svojimi kumpánmi (napr. ďalším JUDr. R. Kaliňákom) vedeli veľmi dobre, prečo to takto urobili. Minimálne preto, aby si mohli štuchnúť do pani prezidentky. A tiež preto, aby mohli budiť dojem, že oni jediní chcú slovenskému národu dobre a sú vždy pripravení našu republiku zachrániť. Otázka však je pred kým.

O amaterizme najhrubšieho zrna súčasnej vlády a odídencov od nej v partaji SaS nemá asi už nikto pochybnosti, a tak je ich koniec zrejme len otázkou času. Keby hrali šach spôsobom, akým vládnu, boli by súperovi na smiech. Šachista totiž musí predpokladať, čo bude po jeho ťahu nasledovať. Zato šachisti od R. Fica si zrejme premysleli jeden ťah dopredu. Naoko síce poukazujú na neschopnosť súčasnej vlády, ale je jasné, že ich nasledujúcim ťahom bude ponuka na záchranu republiky v podobe ich vlády. Ďakujeme, neprosíme! Stále teda visí vo vzduchu otázka, čo alebo ako ďalej. Vyriešili by niečo predčasné voľby?

Predčasné voľby ako všeliek?

Nuž, padla by súčasná vláda, ktorá si to plne zaslúži. A možno by sa väčšina partajníkov zo súčasnej aj nedávnej koalície do parlamentu ani nedostala. Asi by nenazbierali ani 3 % hlasov potrebných na to, aby naďalej parazitovali na štátnom rozpočte už tak poriadne vycicanej republiky. Možno aj to by stačilo… niektorým. Ale zmenilo by sa tým niečo naozaj zásadné? Nič, vôbec nič, len by sa jedna banda nahradila druhou. Škoda, že Slovač má takú krátku pamäť a prirýchlo zabúda, že každý z nich už tu minimálne raz vládol a okrem „našich ľudí“ nemal z ich vlády nikto nič.

Preto, podľa nášho názoru, predčasné voľby neprinesú našej krajine a drvivej väčšine jej občanov vôbec nič. Tu totiž vôbec nejde o krajinu a občanov, tu ide o moc. A ako vysvetľujeme na našom portáli, u nás slúži moc predovšetkým na to, aby sa istí ľudia dostali k peniazom. Ostatne, opojenie samotnou mocou, nie nutne peniazmi, je pre mnohých našich papalášov postačujúcim adrenalínom. Kto neverí, nech si prečíta známu knihu Ladislava Mňačka Ako chutí moc.

Slovníkový portál Jazykovedného ústavu Ľ. Štúra SAV (https://slovnik.juls.savba.sk/) pri slove „moc“ uvádza niekoľko významov. Moc je napr. schopnosť, možnosť niečo (u)robiť, ale aj spravovanie štátu alebo nejakého spoločenského celku, vláda. No je tam ešte jeden význam, a to „schopnosť niekoho ovládať, vplyv“. Podľa toho, ako sa súčasní mocní správajú, či už v koalícii alebo v opozícii, nezdá sa vám, že všetkým ide len a len o ten posledný význam – schopnosť nás ovládať a mať taký vplyv, aby si presadzovali svoje úzke stranícke a osobné záujmy? Vari sa dá reálne dúfať, že ak sa vráti k moci niekto, koho sme už vládnuť videli, že svoje správanie alebo svoje pohnútky zázračne zmení? To môže asi len naozajstná naivka.

Čo teda vyrieši referendová otázka?

Takže, čo vyrieši referendová otázka, čo vyrieši referendum a čo vyriešia predčasné voľby? No predsa vôbec nič! Tamtí starí síce boli odbornejší než títo noví (alebo sa aspoň odbornejšie tvárili), ale svoju chytrosť využívali len a len vo svoj prospech. A budú ju takto zneužívať aj naďalej. Veď poznáme staré slovenské príslovie: Nebude zo psa slanina, ani z vlka baranina. Škoda, že aj keď majú Slováci toľko krásnych prísloví, v ktorých je zhmotnená múdrosť ich predkov, vôbec sa nimi neriadia.

Pani prezidentka využila svoju právomoc a referendové otázky nechala posúdiť Ústavným súdom SR. Náš portál ju teda otvoreným listom vyzval, aby využila aj ďalšiu svoju právomoc. Tou je možnosť podať podnet Ústavnému súdu SR na preskúmanie predpisov, či sú v súlade s Ústavou SR a ústavnými zákonmi. Pomoc pani prezidentky by bola neoceniteľná hneď pri dvoch sporných ustanoveniach. Totiž, na základe vykonanej právnej analýzy, ktorá je zverejnená na našom portáli, sa domnievame, že financovanie politických strán zo štátneho rozpočtu je v príkrom rozpore s Čl. 29 ods. 4 Ústavy SR, podľa ktorého sú politické strany a politické hnutia „oddelené od štátu“.

Druhú protiústavnosť vidíme v tom, že náš volebný systém – vinou inštitútu kandidátnych listín politických strán – zjavne diskriminuje prevažnú väčšinu občanov. Ústava SR dáva možnosť slobodne kandidovať všetkým, volebný zákon však iba niektorým. Nemusíte byť ústavný právnik, aby ste v tom odhalili rozpor s ústavou. Drvivá väčšina občanov je teda vo svojom ústavnom práve znevýhodnená oproti hŕstke kandidátov krytých nálepkami politických strán.

Čo sa môže stať

Či pani prezidentka nechá svojich právnikov posúdiť uvedené legislatívne skutočnosti a či podnet na Ústavný súd napokon podá, je, samozrejme, len a len na nej samej. Ak by tak urobila, myslíme si, že by sa konečne mohol odhaliť a zviditeľniť pravý zdroj nespravodlivosti a príčina problémov, a to neprimerané a protiústavné postavenie politických strán a ich zasahovanie do výkonu moci, ktorá podľa našej ústavy pochádza od občanov a politickým stranám nepatrí.

No išli sme ešte ďalej. Keďže presne tú istú právomoc má aj pätina poslancov NR SR,  s rovnakou výzvou ako pani prezidentku sme oslovili otvoreným listom aj všetkých nezávislých poslancov NR SR. Môžeme teda sledovať, ako sa kto zachová. Nech sa k našej výzve postavia akokoľvek, veľa nám to prezradí o skutočných motívoch našich politikov. Referendová otázka tak bola iba začiatkom dlhej cesty.

53 164 Replies to “Referendová otázka R. Fica”

  1. Horror movies topped the domestic box office charts and an Oscar contender got off to a sparkling
    start this weekend. „Smile 2,“ in its first weekend,
    and „Terrifier 3″ in its second proved to be the big
    draws for general movie audiences in North America, while the Palme d´Or winner“Anora“ got the best per-theater
    average in over a year.

    „Smile 2“ was the big newcomer, taking first place with a
    better than expected $23 million, according to studio estimates Sunday.

    Parker Finn returned to write and direct the sequel to the supernatural horror „Smile,“ his debut.
    Originally intended for streaming, Paramount pivoted and sent the movie to theaters in the fall of 2022.

    „Smile“ became a sleeper hit at the box office, earning some $217 million against a $17
    million budget.

    The sequel, starring Naomi Scott as a pop
    star, was rewarded with a bit of a bigger budget, and a theatrical commitment
    from the start. Playing on 3,619 screens, it opened
    slightly higher than the first’s $22 million.

    Second place went to Universal and DreamWorks Animation´s „The Wild Robot“ in its fourth weekend with $10.1 million,
    bumping it past $100 million in North America.

    Family films often have long lives in theaters, particularly ones as well reviewed
    as „The Wild Robot,“ and some have speculated that it got a bump this
    weekend from teenagers buying tickets for the PG-rated family film and then sneaking
    into „Terrifier 3,“ which is not rated, instead.

    Either way, Damien Leone´s demon clown movie, which cost only $2 million to produce, is doing more than fine with legitimate
    ticket buyers. It added an estimated $9.3 million, bringing its total to $36.2 million.

    „Rumors like that are PR gold,“ said Paul Dergarabedian, the senior media analyst for Comscore.

    „There´s no better indication that that movie is red hot right now.“

    The No. 1 openings for „Smile 2“ this weekend and „Terrifier 3“
    last were only possible because of the failure of „Joker: Folie à Deux.“ That big budget sequel continued its
    death march in its third weekend, falling another 69% to earn $2.2 million, bringing its domestic total to
    $56.4 million.

    This image released by Paramount Pictures shows Lukas Gage in a scene from „Smile 2.“ (Paramount Pictures via AP)

    Warner Bros. has a better performer in „Beetlejuice Beetlejuice,“ which placed fourth in its
    seventh weekend with an additional $5 million, bringing its domestic total to $284 million. Star
    Michael Keaton also had another film open this weekend –
    the father-daughter dramedy „Goodrich“ which stumbled
    in with only $600,000 from 1,055 locations.

    Rounding out the top five was the romantic tearjerker „We Live In Time,“ which expanded to 985 theaters following last weekend’s
    debut on 5 screens. The A24 release starring Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh earned $4.2
    million over the weekend. Audiences were 85% under
    35 and 70% female, according to exit polls.
    The well-reviewed film will expand further next weekend.

    One of the other brightest spots of the weekend was Sean Baker´s
    „Anora,“ which opened in six locations in New York and Los Angeles and earned an estimated $630,000.
    That´s a $105,000 per theater average, the best since „Asteroid City´s“ $142,000 average last summer.
    The Neon release, a sensation at Cannes and a likely Oscar contender, stars Mikey Madison as a New York sex worker
    who falls for the son of a Russian oligarch.

    After several weeks of would-be awards contenders and buzzy films („Piece by Piece,“ „Saturday Night,“ „The Apprentice“ among them)
    fizzling with audiences, „Anora´s“ success is a promising sign that moviegoers
    will still seek out arty, adult fare.

    „For moviegoers, there´s a lot on offer with something in every type of movie in every category,“ Dergarabedian said.
    „I think we´re going to have a really strong home stretch with a great combination of movies big and small.“

    The Walt Disney Co. also made a splash with several re-releases.
    „The Nightmare Before Christmas“ got a place
    in the top 10 with $1.1 million, while „Hocus Pocus“ made $841,000.

    Next weekend will have a major studio comic book movie with
    „Venom: The Last Dance“ as well as an awards movie in the papal thriller „Conclave“ vying for audience

    Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S.
    and Canadian theaters, according to Comscore.
    Final domestic figures will be released Monday.

    1. „Smile 2,“ $23 million.

    2. „The Wild Robot,“ $10.1 million.

    3. „Terrifier 3,“ $9.3 million.

    4. „Beetlejuice Beetlejuice,“ $5 million.

    5. „We Live In Time,“ $4.2 million.

    6. „Joker: Folie à Deux,“ $2.2 million.

    7. „Piece by Piece,“ $2.1 million.

    8. „Transformers One,“ $2 million.

    9. „Saturday Night,“ $1.8 million.

    10. „The Nightmare Before Christmas,“ $1.1 million.

    This image released by Paramount Pictures shows Naomi Scott in a scene from
    „Smile 2.“ (Paramount Pictures via AP)

    This image released by Paramount Pictures shows Ray Nicholson in a scene from „Smile 2.“ (Paramount
    Pictures via AP)

    This image released by Neon shows Mikey Madison in a scene from „Anora.“ (Neon via AP)

    This image released by Neon shows Mark Eydelshteyn and Mikey Madison,
    right, in a scene from „Anora.“ (Neon via AP)

    This image released by Neon shows Mark Eydelshteyn, left, and Mikey Madison in a scene from
    „Anora.“ (Neon via AP)

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  4. Because older A/C systems were designed to use R-12 coolant and they do not
    run as efficiently using R-134.
    Manufacture of R-12 was banned in the US due to concerns over it’s adverse effects
    on the ozone layer.

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  6. Abbie Chatfield has shared a very telling throwback
    image of herself and boyfriend Adam Hyde, six months before they
    went Instagram Official.

    The veteran presenter, 29, and the Peking Duk frontman went public with their relationship in June.

    However another racy photo, taken before they became a couple,
    captured Abbie and Adam waiting patiently together in a fast food line, with the
    presenter looking absolutely smitten over the strapping musician.

    Abbie had a huge smile on her face in the adorable picture, as she gazed intensely at Adam as they
    chatted while waiting to order.

    She captioned the picture: ‚One year and two days since this iconic
    photo of me being in love with Adam.

    ‚Before we ever even slept together LMAO. „Nah, I don’t have a crush on him anymore“.‘

    Abbie Chatfield has shared a very telling throwback image of her and her boyfriend Adam Hyde, six months
    before they went Instagram Official. Both pictured

    The podcast host was braless in the image, and her low-slung skirt
    showed plenty of skin.

    Shortly after they went public with their relationship, Abbie opened up
    about her sex life with her boyfriend in a candid and wide-ranging chat on her It’s A Lot podcast.

    She appeared on the bonus Ask Me Anything episode with Adam, in which
    they discussed their budding romance.

    As the new couple fielded questions about their bond, musician Adam cheekily boasted about the couple’s sizzling chemistry.

    It comes after Abbie revealed the sexual act she would never engage in with her boyfriend.

    She recently opened up about the launch of her ‚kink kit‘ sex toys and admitted when it comes to
    bedroom fun, it’s strictly a two-person affair. 

    The veteran presenter, 29, whose relationship with the Peking Duk frontman went public in June, posted a loved-up image of them to Instagram from November last year. The
    photo captured Abbie and Adam waiting patiently together, with the presenter
    looking smitten

    Read More

    Abbie Chatfield’s boyfriend shares photo of them kissing to celebrate
    her ‚kink kit‘ launch

    While she does fantasise about having a ménage à trois, Abbie admitted it’s something she could never actually go through with.

    ‚I have a fantasy about seeing my partner f***
    someone else,‘ she told News Corp.

    ‚But I think I know in my heart that I don’t actually want to see it.
    I just want to talk about it like, that’s something that I
    find hot. But in reality, would I want to see that? Probably not.‘

    ‚Whenever we get to a point where we’re like, „let’s have a threesome!“,
    I’m like, „I don’t actually know if I’m gonna want to see that“,‘ she

    Abbie and Adam’s relationship is stronger than ever since theyu went public in June 

    Abbie ChatfieldInstagram

  7. In trigonometry, the sine function represents the
    ratio of the length of the side opposite an angle to the length
    of the hypotenuse in a right triangle. In quad
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic


    What are the quadrant angles?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Quadrant angles are angles formed in the coordinate plane by the x-axis and y-axis.
    Each quadrant is a region bounded by the x-axis and y-axis,
    and is numbered
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic


    You are looking for real life examples of acute triangles?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, honey, an acute triangle is any triangle where all three angles are less than 90 degrees.
    So, think of a slice of pizza or a traffic cone – those are acut
    Read more



    How does a seismologist use trigonometry to measure seismic waves?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Seismologists use trigonometry to measure seismic waves by analyzing the arrival times of seismic waves at different seismograph stations.
    By calculating the ti
    Read more



    What 2 prime numbers sum is 78?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, isn’t that a happy little math problem we have here!

    Let’s see, the two prime numbers that add up to 78 are 41 and
    37. Just like in painting, sometimes yo
    Read more


    What is the algorithm for sine series?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh honey, buckle up because we’re diving into some math! The algorithm for calculating the sine series involves summing
    up terms of the form (-1)^n * x^(2n+1) /
    Read more



    How many sides and corners does a ellipse have?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, honey, an ellipse technically has zero sides and zero corners.
    It’s a curved shape, not a polygon. So, if you’re looking for straight edges and sharp
    Read more



    How do archeologists use trigonometry?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Archaeologists use Trigonometry to divide up the excavation sites properly into equal areas of
    work. They can also use it to help them identify different tools
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic


    Can 3 lines in a circle make 8 pieces?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, let me break it down for you. So, if you draw three lines
    in a circle, you can definitely create eight pieces.
    Each line you draw cuts the circle into
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic


    If a cos theta plus b sin theta equals 8 and a sin theta – b cos
    theta equals 5 show that a squared plus b squared equals 89?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, darling, if we square the first equation and the second equation,
    add them together, and do some algebraic magic, we can indeed show that a squared plus b
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic


    Maths working model for class 11?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, you want a math working model for class 11?
    That’s like asking for a unicorn at a pet store! But hey, you could make a cool model showcasing different
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic


    What is the multiplicative inverse of 4 plus i?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The multiplicative inverse of a complex number is the reciprocal of that number.

    To find the multiplicative inverse of 4 + i, we first need to find the
    Read more


    Which correctly describes the tangent function?

    Asked by Wiki User

    opposite/adjacent 🙂 apex

  8. Well, honey, first you crack some eggs into a bowl, whisk them like you’re mad at
    ‚em, then pour ‚em into a hot, greased pan. Scramble ‚em around until they’re
    Read more



    Can you make ice cream with Silk or generic soymilk?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Yes, you can make ice cream with Silk or generic soymilk. Soymilk can be used as a substitute for dairy
    milk in ice cream recipes, but there are a few considera
    Read more


    The recipe for the cranberry dessert in the swanson turkey hungryman frozen dinner?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Cranberry sauce or jelly is typically served as a
    dessert with Swanson Turkey and Hungry Man frozen dinner.
    It’s made with cranberry juice, sugar, and sometimes
    Read more

    Ingredient Substitutions


    How many cups are in a pound of frozen corn?

    Asked by Wiki User

    3 1/3 cups of corn in 1 pound of frozen corn.

  9. Russell Crowe has argued that the rise of independent politicians are better representing the views of everyday Australians, unlike the two-party-dominated system in the United States. 

    The Oscar-winning actor made the claim in response to podcast host Joe
    Rogan  complaining that Americans were ‚completely trapped
    in the two-party system‘.

    ‚We have the same sort of situation, but we have a very
    interesting thing that’s happening in Australia at the moment, which is the rise of independents,‘ Crowe countered.

    ‚The main parties have to deal with the fact those independents have to bring
    a non-party-line series of points to the argument.

    ‚And it’s working well. It’s working for us.

    In that it’s making both of the main parties re-examine who they are and what they stand for.

    Rogan mused ‚we could use that here, for sure‘, highlighting how US politics is completely dominated by the Democrat and Republican parties.

    There are other parties, including the Green, Libertarian, and Reform parties, but these receive vanishingly few votes in comparison.

    Independent candidates can also stand and have been known to perform well on occasion. 

    The Oscar-winning actor (pictured ) made the observation in response to podcast host Joe
    Rogan who complained that Americans were ‚completely trapped in the two-party system‘

    Joe Rogan (pictured) is one of the most powerful media figures in the world 

    Civil rights opponent George Wallace ran a third-party campaign in the 1968 US election which saw him garner 10
    million votes and take five southern states, while another disaffected Democrat, Strom Thurmond, in 1948 carried four southern states on a similarly racist
    platform but with only a million votes.

    The nephew of a president, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., was poised to get on the ballot in dozens of states as an independent
    candidate before he pulled out and backed Republican Donald Trump. 

    He has now been appointed Health secretary in Trump’s incoming cabinet. 

    Trump himself had previously belonged to the Reform Party.

    The former New York property developer had even considered running for president in the 2000 election under the banner of that movement –
    formed by former third-party presidential candidate Ross Perot, who won 19
    per cent of the popular vote in 1992 but gained no electoral college votes.

    Perot was the most popular minority party candidate since former
    Republican president Teddy Roosevelt in 1912
    ran as the Bull Moose Party candidate – carrying six states including
    California and coming second ahead of Republican William Taft.

    Australia has seen a rise in recent years of nominally independent politicians who have taken votes away from the two traditional parties of Labor and
    the Liberal-National coalition

    This situation is helped by a strong Green party who now
    have 12 senators and four members in the House of Representatives. 

    Zali Steggall (pictured) became the first ‚teal‘ independent to achieve huge success when she ousted former prime minister
    Tony Abbott in his seat in Sydney’s northern beaches at the 2019 election

    Meanwhile, independent candidates who run on strong climate
    platforms but are fiscally conservative have been labelled ‚teal‘ candidates.

    This is because they have combined their ‚green‘ views
    on climate with the traditional ‚blue‘ approach of the centre-right Liberal Party on economics.

    Zali Steggall became the first teal independent
    to achieve huge success when she ousted former prime minister Tony Abbott in his seat in Sydney’s northern beaches
    at the 2019 election.

    In similar fashion, Monique Ryan won the traditionally
    Liberal seat from former treasurer Josh Frydenberg at the 2022 election. 

    She was one of seven teals elected, swelling
    the lower house crossbench to 16, with this tally including the
    four Greens, three conservative independents and progressives Andrew Wilkie and Helen Haines.

    Crowe’s three-hour conversation with Rogan, which was first aired in August, has recently resurfaced
    in teal social media adverts.

    They are being pushed by Melbourne philanthropist Simon Holmes à Court, who founded Climate 200, which has given campaign funding
    to some teal candidates.

    Not all the 12 independents elected in 2022 were teals,

    Maverick independent Bob Katter has just celebrated 50 years in parliament
    (pictured: being congratulated by prime minister Anthony Albanese)

    Dai Lee, a former state Liberal candidate, defeated former Labor frontbencher and former NSW
    Labor premier Kristina Keneally in the south-west Sydney
    seat of Fowler.

    And, of course, maverick Bob Katter who has just celebrated 50 years in parliament, spending 20 years as a Queensland state MP before serving the past
    three decades in federal parliament as the MP for the regional far north Queensland electorate
    of Kennedy. 

    Among his many mad-hat policies over the years include
    a bid to teach school kids how to fire rifles and a desire to
    build a missile shield across northern Australia.

    The House of Representatives crossbench grew to 17 in late 2022 when Andrew Gee quit the
    Nationals in protest at its opposition to the Indigenous Voice to

    The Greens and independents make up 11 per cent of the 151-member lower house –
    the highest proportion of non major party MPs since Federation in 1901. 

    Joe Rogan

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  15. Comment:

    This blog post discusses the recent referendum question proposed by
    R. Fico in Slovakia, and the potential implications of its approval by the Constitutional Court of Slovakia.
    The author suggests that the question was intentionally formulated in a way
    that would allow Fico and his allies to criticize the current government and position themselves
    as the saviors of the nation. However, the author argues that this is merely a political maneuver, and that a change in government would not necessarily lead to significant
    improvements in the country’s political system.

    The author also points out that the referendum question does not address the root causes
    of the system’s problems, such as the influence of
    political parties on the exercise of power and the financing of political activities.
    Overall, the author suggests that the referendum question is
    more of a political distraction than a meaningful solution to the country’s problems.

    As a relevant comment, I would like to add that it is important for citizens
    to critically evaluate political proposals
    and not be swayed by empty promises or partisan rhetoric.
    While it is understandable that people may feel
    frustrated with the current state of affairs, it is
    essential to look beyond superficial solutions and consider the underlying issues that need to be addressed.
    In this case, the referendum question proposed by Fico may
    not be the most effective way to bring about meaningful change, and citizens should carefully
    consider the potential consequences before casting their vote.

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