Takže je vymaľované! Súčasný parlament zložený z totálne neschopných politikov skončil. Je úplne namieste povedať, že konečne. Zvádza to konštatovať, že aj fraške je koniec. Lenže… ako možno vidieť z toho, čo sa teraz deje a ako sa títo politici správajú naďalej, vyzerá to skôr na začiatok nového konca. Taký september, aký nás zrejme čaká, nebol ani v Amerike po 11. septembri 2001. Tam spadli len dve budovy, ale u nás hrozí, že padne celý štát… síce len na hubu, ale aj to by malo byť pre obyvateľov Slovenska varovaním.
Stačí sa poobzerať naokolo po predvolebných plagátoch a heslách na nich. Ksichty, čo tu celé roky škodia a neurobili nič z toho, čo nasľubovali predtým, sľubujú ďalej. Jeden hru „mení“, iný ju „nemení“. A „jamkatý“ sľubuje, že všetko bude lacnejšie. Kde bol odteraz? Veď bol aj premiérom! Dokonca vyťahuje kartu o „zodpovednosti politikov“. Doteraz však neprešla a ani nikdy neprejde cez parlament – vlastne cez nich samých. „Hranol“ na „jamkatého“ vyťahuje buzerantstvo a „Balónik“ vyzýva „Hranola“ do súboja, kto má lepších odborníkov. Všimol si azda niekto, aby hocikto iný, mimo SaS, o „Balónikových odborníkoch“ povedal, či napísal, že sú odborníci? Samozrejme, že nie. Toto nehorázne klamstvo šíria o sebe len oni sami . Pripomíname, že ešte nedávno tvrdil, že odbornosť na vrcholných miestach je „na príťaž“, že to všetko musia riadiť „manažéri“. Ale manažér, ktorý o probléme nič nevie, je úplne „nanič“. Viete, ako sa hovorí o odborníkoch a špecialistoch: Špecialista vie všetko o hovne a odborník vie hovno o všetkom. Alebo naopak …? 😊

Ale netýka sa to len „Balónika“, týka sa to všetkých. A netýka sa to len odbornosti, ale najmä toho, kto z nich čo kedy dokázal a najmä ich charakteru. To by mali byť rozhodujúce kritériá na to, aby sme niekomu dovolili nás zastupovať (myslíme tým, v parlamente).
Blíži sa termín ďalších parlamentných volieb a je jedno, či sú predčasné. Znova nás idú tie isté ksichty presviedčať, aby sme volili práve ich. A čo urobí Slovač? Nuž, ako sprosté, tupé stádo pôjde voliť znova tých istých. Veď pamäť nemá žiadnu, sme holubičí národ, ktorý všetko všetkým odpúšťa a tak sme zabudli na výzvu Sama Chalupku ešte z roku 1864 „Mor ho!“. Nemáme už cisára, tak sme si našli na svoje vlastné zotročovanie svojich vlastných ľudí – politikov. Sme ich otrokmi, hračkou v rukách ich moci. Sme presne ako Mimoni zo známeho filmu, ktorí celý čas hľadajú na Zemi toho najhoršieho Zloducha, aby mali koho velebiť a poslúchať. Slovač si tých najhorších zakaždým nájde raz-dva. Nerozumieme, prečo sme my Slováci taký sprostý národ.

Nemá význam rozoberať, koho vlastne voliť. Niet totiž koho. Všetci tu už raz boli a všetci ukázali, že im ide len o ich vlastné blaho. Československo vraj kedysi patrilo medzi najmenej zadlžené štáty. Zvládalo dokonca ekonomicky podporovať Kubu, Vietnam, aj kusisko Afriky. Všetko sme mali zo svojho vlastného vrecka. V pamätnom novembri 1989 sa kričalo, že „Máme holé ruce!“, teraz sa k tomu môžu pridať, že aj „holé rite“. A komu za to vďačíme? Možno by ste povedali, že práve týmto politikom, no nie je to celkom pravda. Vďačíme za to len a len sami sebe, pretože my sme im umožnili robiť si s nami, čo sa im zapáči, či čo sa im v ich chorých hlavách v noci prisnije. Každý robí to, čo sa mu dovolí a my sme im to doteraz dovoľovali. Silne pochybujeme, že by sa to po nadchádzajúcich voľbách zmenilo.

Totiž, každý národ má takú vládu, akú si zaslúži… alebo horšiu.

Tento portál mal slúžiť na to, aby si náš národ uvedomil, kde je skutočná podstata jeho vlastnej biedy, kde sú korene toho zla a aké sú možné cesty z tohto marazmu von. Nezdá sa nám, že by sme boli dosiahli, čo sme zamýšľali. Podľa všetkého sa tu nič nezmení, lebo ľuďom je už všetko jedno.

Ale pamätajte si, nikto nám neurobí tak zle, ako my sami sebe. Na to pamätajte, keď pôjdete v septembri k volebným urnám.

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25 123 Replies to “Parlament … a fajka zhasla“”

  1. New UN report shows drought costs billions each year


    UN summit in Riyadh to address drought, land degradation


    UN urges action on nature and funding to fight droughts

    By Sanam Mahoozi

    LONDON, Dec 3 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – After a year when extreme
    heat triggered severe droughts from southern Africa to South America, world
    leaders are meeting in the desert city of Riyadh in Saudi Arabia
    this month to thrash out ways of tackling desertification and water scarcity.

    U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called the summit – the 16th Conference
    of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD COP16) – a „moonshot moment“
    to accelerate action on land and drought resilience as some estimates
    predicted trillions of dollars would be needed to tackle the problem.

    As the talks kicked off, a new report showed global losses from drought cost $307 billion a year.

    The report, launched on Tuesday by UNCCD and the U.N. University Institute for Water, Environment, and Health UNU-INWEH,
    puts the cost much higher than previously believed because earlier calculations mainly focused on agriculture, overlooking the wider
    consequences on health and energy sectors.

    Up to 40% of the world’s land is degraded and droughts
    are becoming more frequent and severe, increasing by 29%
    since 2000 due to climate change and unsustainable land management, the U.N.

    This threatens agriculture, water security, and the
    livelihoods of 1.8 billion people, with the poorest nations bearing the brunt.

    Scientists say drought worsens water and air quality and intensifies sand and dust storms, causing respiratory illnesses
    and disrupting electricity grids. It can also harm food supplies when rivers dry up or food production becomes impossible because
    of water shortages.

    Ibrahim Thiaw, the executive secretary of the UNCCD, said the summit should promote healthy
    lands and drought resilience to ensure food and energy security, human development and peace.

    He said this COP16 had the largest-ever attendance, including
    delegates from the private sector and civil society,
    of any U.N. land and drought talks to date.

    „Achieving land and drought goals is also essential to meet the global climate and biodiversity targets,“ Thiaw told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in an interview
    via email.

    The Riyadh summit comes after U.N. talks on biodiversity in Colombia
    in October and the COP29 summit on climate change in November with the question of who pays to stem the worst effects of climate change taking top
    billing in all the discussions.

    The Riyadh conference aims to accelerate investment and action in drought resilience and land restoration, building
    on agreements negotiated during the last summit in Ivory Coast in 2022.

    „Given the urgency of the challenge, the gravity of the impacts, and the unique opportunity before us in Riyadh, I call on all parties to rise their ambition and solidarity for our lands and our future,“ Thiaw

    As the talks began, host and oil producer Saudi Arabia announced the creation of the Riyadh Global Drought Resilience Partnership that will leverage public and private finance to support 80 of the most vulnerable and drought-hit
    countries around the world.

    An initial $2.15 billion has been pledged to the partnership by Saudi Arabia,
    the Islamic Development Bank and the OPEC Fund for International Development.


    The new UNCCD and UNU-INWEH report said nature-based solutions, including
    planting trees, managing livestock grazing and creating green spaces in cities, offered cost-effective ways to combat drought.

    The research found investment in natural capital – the world’s natural resources – offered returns of $1.40 to
    $27 for every dollar spent within a couple of years.

    Such investments could include restoring and improving the health of soil so that it
    can hold more water by, for example, using organic fertilisers and preventing
    nutrient depletion by rotating crops.

    Chile, India, Jordan, Kenya, Spain and Tunisia were among
    the countries the report said had implemented such measures and most yielded positive results.

    In these countries, particularly Spain and India, farmers implemented practices to enhance soil health and constructed
    wetlands to control floods, increase biodiversity and return species that had migrated away due to drought.

    Elvira Marin Irigaray, director of Aland, a foundation dedicated to land restoration in Portugal and Spain, said
    hundreds of farmers in Spain are using renewable practices
    and diversifying into crops like olive oil and almonds to reduce their dependence on industrial

    „This approach not only makes land more resilient to extreme weather, drought and storms, but it also protects crops and income from the risks of climate change,“
    said Irigaray.

    Farmers in Altiplano Estepario in southern Spain had received funding to improve soil health, which can help mitigate the devastating effects of flash floods, like those that hit the
    eastern region of Valencia in October, Irigaray added.

    „Many farmers felt they were less affected by the events in October because they had taken measures to develop swales (channels), ponds, keylines and wetlands,“ said Irigaray.


    A U.N.-backed study released ahead of the summit on Sunday
    said land degradation was „undermining Earth’s capacity to sustain humanity“ and failure to reverse
    it would „pose challenges for generations“.

    More than 30 countries declared drought emergencies in the past three years,
    including India, China, the U.S., Canada, Spain, Uruguay, Southern Africa and Indonesia.

    According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation, about 3.8 billion people rely on agricultural and food
    production systems for employment and financial survival.

    Almost all live in Asia and Africa where poverty levels are among the highest in the world and there
    is limited access to green or sustainable technologies.

    Shloka Nath, CEO of the India Climate Collaborative, said half of
    India’s population depends on agriculture and related activities, including raising livestock and poultry,
    fishing and gathering forest products like leaves and herbs, for their

    For people in the western state of Maharashtra, where droughts are frequent, all of this is now under threat, Nath said.

    „Given limited access to formal financial channels, these farmers need immediate support to invest in nature-friendly solutions that recognise the complex risks and safeguard India’s food production,“ Nath said.

    At the Riyadh talks, Dec. 11 has been dubbed ‚finance day‘ when delegates from the public and
    private sector will meet to discuss funding to fight land degradation, desertification and drought

    Thiaw told Reuters before the talks that restoring the world’s degraded land and holding back
    its deserts would require at least $2.6 trillion in investment by the end of the decade.

    Kaveh Madani, director of UNU-INWEH and a lead author
    of the U.N. report, said investing in nature can benefit
    societies on a number of strategic fronts, especially in the Global South and developing economies.

    „It creates jobs, supports food and human security, boosts prosperity and helps reduce the risk of conflict and forced migration,“ said

    „Evidence shows that it does pay off.“ (Reporting by Sanam Mahoozi; Editing
    by Clar Ni Chonghaile and Ayla Jean Yackley. The
    Thomson Reuters Foundation is the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters.

    Visit website UN figures reveal huge cost of drought and desertification

  2. If you still haven’t picked out your Halloween costume this
    year, Pinterest’s 2024 Halloween trends report can help you choose the right ‚it girl‘
    for you. 

    The visual discovery platform compiled the most
    popular costumes, including the search spikes around them, to find out what everyone will be dressing up as. 

    Expect to see plenty of people dressed like pop stars this year, including Charli XCX, Sabrina Carpenter and Olivia Rodrigo.

    There will also be throwback costumes like Blair and Serena from Gossip Girl, as well as more recent looks from Dune and House
    of the Dragon. 

    FEMAIL looked at the most popular pop culture inspired Halloween costumes in 2024 according to Pinterest,
    including musicians, movie stars, and athletes. 


    Pop stars like Sabrina Carpenter and Charli XCX 

    Pinterest looked at search and found that Charli XCX makeup search is
    up by 2345 per cent as fans prepare to dress up like the Brat star for Halloween 

    Charli XCX proclaimed it was a brat summer after she released her album of
    the same name, sparking the slime green hue featured on the album’s cover to
    take over this Halloween

    Search around Sabrina Carpenter is up by 215 per cent,
    as fans re-create her sequined costumes with heart cutouts and perfect bangs 

    Brat summer isn’t over quite yet. Pinterest looked at trends and found that Charli XCX makeup search is up by 2,345 per cent. 

    Channeling your inner Charli XCX this Halloween isn’t too
    difficult – just don your best slime green crop top (or grab a Brat shirt) paired with a black miniskirt and try her
    messy smokey cat eye makeup. 

    Of course, to really look like the 32-year-old Apple singer, you’ll
    need to wear a pair of Gen Z-approved black sunglasses in the club, and you’ll have to convince a friend to dress up like Troye Sivan. 

    Kesha will also be a popular costume, as search around the Joyride
    songstress is up 510 per cent. Simply don micro shorts and wear plenty of glitter on your face as you
    prepare for the singer’s 2025 album release. 

    Olivia Rodrigo’s glittering, Y2K-inspired pop punk style is up by 215 per cent on Pinterest search 

    Search around Ariana Grande’s famous bunny costume is up 460 per
    cent as people gain inspiration from her lace ears

    Search around Ariana Grande’s famous bunny costume is up 460 per
    cent and there are also plenty of people who are planning on dressing up in Wicked Halloween costumes to pay
    tribute to the singer’s Broadway movie debut. 

    Search around Sabrina Carpenter is up by 215 per cent, as fans re-create her sequined
    costumes with heart cutouts and perfect bangs.

    Olivia Rodrigo’s glittering, Y2K-inspired pop punk style is up by 215 per cent. 

    Other popular music related costumes include Sza, Amy Winehouse,
    and Priscilla Presley. 


    Main characters like Elle Woods and Carrie

    After Reese Witherspoon announced that Legally Blonde 3 was in the works, search sprung up around the film (left) as well as renewed
    interest in Carrie Bradshaw (right)

    While Joker: Folie à Deux wasn’t a hit at the box office, there will still be plenty of people
    dressing up as the Joker and Harley Quinn, with search
    up by 100 per cent 

    Even though it has been off the air for years, expect to
    see lots of people channeling their inner Upper East Siders as Serena
    and Blair from Gossip Girl


    Gen Z fashion fans reveal what they REALLY think about Carrie
    Bradshaw’s iconic Sex and the City outfits – and whether they would wear them today

    After Reese Witherspoon announced that Legally Blonde
    3 was in the works, search sprung up around the infamous Elle Woods bunny
    costume by 110 per cent. 

    With the success of the Sex and the City reboot And Just Like That, people are
    searching for Carrie Bradshaw costume inspiration. 

    It helps that Gen Z is embracing Sex and the City for the first
    time as they watch the hit noughties show on Netflix. 

    To dress like Carrie Bradshaw, grab your best maxi skirt or
    tutu, shop for a newspaper print dress (which can also double as a Taylor Swift costume)
    and make sure to have a pair of heels handy.

    People are also searching for House of the Dragon and Dune outfits in the fantasy realm. 

    Even reality shows are inspiring Halloween, with some people planning on dressing up as their favorite Love Island stars, so expect plenty of bikinis and sequins.  

    While Lady Gaga’s Joker: Folie à Deux wasn’t a hit at the
    box office, there will still be plenty of people dressing up as the Joker and Harley Quinn, with search up by 100 per cent.

    Even though it has been off the air for years, expect to see lots of people channeling their inner
    Upper East Siders as Serena and Blair from Gossip Girl.

    It helps that the show is a hit with Gen Z viewers on Netflix, and experienced a resurgence due to a short-lived
    sequel on Max.  


    Athletes like the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders

    Look for many people dressed like the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders after the success of the Netflix documentary America’s Sweethearts

    It was a big year for athletes at the Olympics – and on Netflix
    with plenty of documentaries and TV shows about sports. 

    Look for many people dressed like the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders after
    the success of the Netflix documentary America’s

    Emulate their classic, shiny nude lip, bold eyelashes, and
    perfectly contoured faces for similar glam with tips
    from their makeup artist. 

    According to Pinterest search, F1 driver costumes are up by
    85 per cent, rhythmic gymnastics costumes are up by 130 per cent,
    and figure skating costume are up by 50 per cent. 

    Charli XCXNetflixSabrina Carpenter

  3. To determine the number of 3-digit numbers that are multiples of
    5, we need to find the first and last 3-digit multiples of 5.

    The first 3-digit multiple of 5 i
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    What is an expression for the product of a number and 20?

    Asked by Wiki User

    For any two or more multiples in algebra. they are written as ‚2x‘
    or ‚ab‘ or ‚3ab‘ NB In algebra the multiplication sign ‚x‘ is NEVER‘ shown. The ‚2x‘ means ‚2
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    Math and Arithmetic


    What is 0.5 squared?

    Asked by Wiki User

    To find 0.5 squared, you simply multiply 0.5 by itself.

    This calculation results in 0.25. This is because squaring a number
    means multiplying it by itself, so 0
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    Math and Arithmetic


    How fast could a bee that flies 6 kilometers per hour reach a hive that
    is 1.2 km away how long would it take?

    Asked by Wiki User

    To calculate the time it would take for the bee to reach the hive, we can use the formula: time = distance/speed.
    In this case, the distance is 1.2 km and the s
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    Math and Arithmetic


    What is a angle called that is over 190 degrees?

    Asked by 144912883

    Oh, dude, that’s an obtuse angle! It’s like when you have a really big angle that’s more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.

    So, when you hit the 190-deg
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    Napoleon Bonaparte


    How do you make chicken napoleon?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Use only the bony part Haha I love that riddle! 😀

  4. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?

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